Landscaping is important to your home. It adds curb appeal and maximizes your property value. Let Renna's
Landscaping make the difference and take your property from average to envy. Renna's Landscape believes design
should be creative yet practical. The crew will use ornamental trees, shrubs, perennials, mulch and stone to
design new landscape or enhance existing landscape. Color, shape, scale and texture will be taken into
consideration, as well as, blooming cycles. This will make your new project look updated, fresh and fantastic.
The crew at Renna's Landscaping designs for large and small projects – commercial or residential. Renna's
installs all projects and will take care of on-going maintenance. Renna's also installs mulch beds, renovates
lawns (seed or sod) and performs spring/fall clean-ups. Call Renna's Landscaping, serving the Lehigh Valley
and Poconos, today at 610-588-1070 or 570-992-4676 in the Poconos.
Association of Professional Landscape Designer

Certified TechniSeal Applicator

Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute

Cambridge Certified Professional Contractor
